Tuesday, July 7, 2009

When the lights go down in the city

Monday night I went into the Old City. The Western Wall always has many visitors, but aside from the wall I was amazed at how quiet and empty most of the Old City was after hours. Blogger is accepting my pictures again, so here they are ...

A group of teens, cheering and singing together in the courtyard at the Kotel

Back when the British controlled this area between the first and second World Wars there was a major rodent problem. The British brought in cats to solve the rodent problem. Now Israel has a cat problem.

I think this was a wedding reception that I stumbled upon while wandering through the Old City

Any new building in Jerusalem is required to use Jerusalem stone. The lights reflecting off of the stone, especially at sunset, truly make Jerusalem look like Yerushalyim shel zahav, Jerusalem of gold

A statue of King David, near his tomb

The Old City of Jerusalem, with a laptop and a moped

One of the few shops open late closes down for the night.

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